Increase revenue from preorders and backorders

Apply to join the beta program today!

Relieve Customer Anxiety

Customers are afraid of losing their money to preorders and backorders that never ship. SafeOrder dramatically boosts orders by guaranteeing your customers' money is safe until you're ready to ship the order.

Eliminate Headaches

Never deal with customer purchasing whiplash again. We manage all the customer service and payment issues typically associated with backorders.

Restock Safely

Order new stock with the confidence that your inventory is sold before you even receive it. We guarantee you'll get paid for every order you lock in through SafeOrder, even if the customer's payment method has expired.

Join the Beta Program

As we expand and refine the service, we're accepting a select group of retailers into our beta program. Participating sites have exclusive SafeOrder access within their industry/niche prior to general release. Contact for more information.